Life is like a fashion runway; you fall, you get up and move on, it's how it goes sometimes.

Saturday 17 December 2011

One Special Person.

This chick is ace. Known her nine whole freaking years! Ups and downs as always but i still love her :D At the moment she's in America. Lucky bee. But it's okay im off to India soon anyway with the boyf! :D Anyway. I thought this bird deserved a special mention on my blog as she's always been there for me and i miss her. She's beaut. She's ace. She's got the whole package. To say she's a blondey she not blonde! I think i'm more blonde than her and i'm a brunette:L She's extreeeeeemly smart and special :)
She's amazing at photography and art. We share that same interest. She lives just opposite from me, but to say we live so close we don't see eachother as much as we would like...
We've spent many summers together listening to music and drawing together. I'd like to spend many more summers with her.
To sum up. I love her.

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